Thursday 10 July 2008

5 Basic Marketing Strategies to Increase Traffic to Your Website

5 Basic Marketing Strategies to Increase Traffic to Your Website
By []Cindy Floyd

Ever wonder why some home business owners sites are ranking higher than yours? I hope you don't think it's because they know more about SEO than you! Really sometimes it's not about all the skills you have or don't have, sometimes its just common sense.

Sometimes knowing how to attract prospects is not about fancy network tactics, it's just about being you. In today's online marketing we call this social networking or attraction marketing. Although being yourself is important, it's only half of the equation. The other half is the understanding of simple marketing basics.

Below are 5 basic marketing techniques your site or marketing strategy should be using no matter what type of product or service you are selling.

Start out with a good keyword rich domain name. Purchase a domain name for GoDaddy or your favorite hosting site that has keywords related to your niche. Don't make it too long, the shorter you can make it the easier it is for people to remember.

Make your site easy to use. Navigation on any site is essential. If you are developing it think like a user. Make sure you always keep them on your site. If you are going to link to another site make sure you have them open another window, keep them with you as long as you can. Make sure all the information is relevant to your niche, in other words -stay on topic.

Give back to your community. People love free anything; e-books, advice, product, resources anything that adds value to you and your community. This not only helps others it establishes you as the expert in your niche.

Put your business URL everywhere. Make sure that you give your site massive exposure. Create business cards and leave them everywhere, in public restrooms, on bulletin boards and leave them with the bill at the restaurant. You can wrap you car with your url, and try bus benches, bill boards and don't forget the cart at your local supermarket.

Use a signature tag. This is your online business card. You should create a short description of your product or service and attach it to all your emails, business and personal. The more opportunity you give people to get to know you the more comfortable people become with you and trust you. This will translate into profits for your business.

Try just a few of these at a time of all of this seems overwhelming or outside of your budget. But the best marketing technique I can give you is to "just go do it". Take massive action and you will see results.

Cindy Floyd
Colorado Creative Solutions
303-429-6333 Cindy is a full time internet marketing entrepreneur specializing in mentoring others to build a successful internet business. You can own your own business today that provides residual income for your future. To learn more about how you can secure your financial future... Go to:

Visit our blog at for creating online business strategies.

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