Monday, 12 February 2007

3 steps to online marketing on a budget.

Starting an online marketing business can be as cheap or expensive as you want it to be. Firstly, you need guidance. Now this can obtained through various means. There are numerous packages about online marketing that are being sold. Some which are extremely valuable in content, others which frankly are written purely to line the author’s pockets.

So how do you differentiate between the two?

It’s simple. Spend some time doing some research. You can obtain some very good and FREE information about online marketing just by doing a search by typing in what you are looking for. You will need to allot a fair bit of time to this, but if you are on a budget, this is the wisest way to find your way around the internet. There are many article sites, forums and newsletter sites about online marketing to browse and you’ll find that one piece of information will lead to another. You’ll be amazed at just what you can learn.

Once you are savvier with what’s involved I would advise you to invest some money in your own personal development. If you decide to be guided by someone of experience in online marketing and want to buy their information, don’t jump straight in, go and join internet forums and seek advice there. Reviews are done regularly on different products and this is an excellent way in choosing the right product for your needs.

So where do you start?
There are basically 3 steps that you will need to follow to get started.

Step 1. Become an affiliate. Affiliate marketing is selling someone else’s product for them. There are several benefits to marketing this way.
1. You don’t need to buy, or produce your own product.
2. You don’t need to handle the shipping of the product.
3. You don’t need to deal with any money transfers.
4. You get paid very healthy commissions on a regular basis for selling the product.
There are many affiliate sites that are FREE to join and will connect you with a product you are interested in selling. It is really easy to do and you can get started straight away in your online marketing business.

Step 2. Get your name out there!
There are a number of reasons why you need to start getting known. Building a relationship with the public is paramount. It’s not enough that you have a good product to sell. The most important factor your online marketing business is trust. To get the customer on your side and set you apart from the thousands of other people doing the same as you is to gain their trust. If people trust YOU they will buy from YOU!

How do you do this?

Well you have to take the softly softly approach. Give them good and honest information about your product. Don’t try the hard sell. Yes, you may strike lucky a few times through the law of averages, but as a rule of thumb, people don’t like to feel that they are being bullied.

The best and cheapest way to get known is to post articles on specialist article sites. These are totally FREE and an unbelievable way of spreading your word virally. Webmasters look on them for good content to put on their sites. Once posted on their sites, you have the benefit of search engines picking up your links, (which if you had to pay per click for you own ad, could cost you huge amounts of money!) and all of this is totally FREE!

Step 3. Create a campaign to establish a relationship with your generated leads.
The leads generated via your article are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. They have read your article and want to find out more. This is your opportunity to start building a relationship with them by sending them a series of friendly helpful emails. By applying this technique, you will be gaining their confidence in you, therefore rocketing your chances of making a sale. After all, we all like to buy from someone we like!

Internet Marketing. Is there room for you?

Is there room for you on the internet?
You may well ask yourself this question when you first start looking at opportunities on the internet. The amount of information out there is vast and the sheer volume of people with internet marketing businesses would suggest not. However nothing could be further from the truth!
The biggest challenge you will face will be your starting point. Once you have found this, the sky’s the limit.
Do not be fooled into thinking internet marketing is easy. It takes hard work and commitment, but if you are prepared to put in the time and hard work you CAN do this business!

How do I get started?
Starting an internet marketing business is a serious of steps. When you follow these steps diligently, and repeat the process over and over, you will start to create a snowball effect.
A piece of advice I will give you is to think bite size. If your intentions are to start making hundreds of dollars per day from the word go, you will be sadly disappointed. However if you are prepared to be happy with a few dollars per day initially, you will be amazed at how soon this will grow week by week.
The feeling you get when you receive your very first payment is unbelievable (regardless to the amount) because this not only shows that you have a viable internet marketing business, but it makes this electronic business real for the first time.

Don’t be put off by fancy sales letters and emails written by the gurus.
These people have been in the internet marketing game for many years and it would be easy to look at their advertising material and think that you could never reach that standard. YOU CAN! It’s all about mindset.
The 3 main ingredients that you’ll need are;

1. Self belief.
This is the most powerful tool that you will ever own. True self belief cannot be diluted. It is amazing how negative people can be (including friends and family). They will try to convince you that your internet marketing business will not work, your not knowledgeable enough, there’s too many people doing it etc……….Keep steadfast and don’t allow those negative vibes to penetrate.

2. Perseverance.
Never give up! If there’s one piece of advice I would give it is this. “If you swing the bat long enough, you’ll hit the ball”. Keep going back to that drawing board!

3. Setting realistic goals.
Like I said earlier, set your goals out in bite sized manageable and realistic chunks.
Write them down! In fact make notes whenever you get the chance. You’ll find yourself constantly referring back to them and they will become an invaluable source of information.
Without goals you have no direction. It’s like going to the bus station and just asking for a ticket. “Where to sir?” asks the cashier. “I don’t know, I just want a ticket”. Do you get the point? SET YOUR GOALS.

Why most people fail when they start out in internet marketing.

P.S. Don’t let this be you………..

Friday, 9 February 2007

Four myths on starting and running your internet marketing business.

Myth 1. Good advertising for your internet marketing business costs you money!

So how do you make sure you don't fall into this trap? Well, building a successful internet marketing business takes time and effort. Giving up at the first hurdle is not an option (and believe me if you start losing money straight away, I can almost guarantee that you will!).
As with any business it takes time and commitment to build, but the difference with an internet marketing business is that the limits are endless!
If you are prepared to commit yourself wholly at the start of your project, you can get free advertising in countless areas of the internet. It is not only free but extremely effective. It costs you nothing but your time!

Myth 2. Any traffic to my site is welcome!

Not true! Many people will argue that traffic is a numbers game. The more traffic that you get to your website, the more chance you have of getting someone to buy your merchandise.
Well I say to you wouldn't it be fantastic if every person who visits your site were looking for the exact product that you had for sale? Of course! This is called targeted marketing, and by advertising in specific locations, you will get your targeted traffic (and it's totally free!).

Myth 3. I can get my business up and running faster and make money if I buy email lists.

Not true! Yes, you will almost certainly get started more quickly with your internet marketing business this way but the quality of the list will probably be poor. By building your own personal list you will know that these people want what you have to offer and they will trust you. Why is trust so important? Well, when you have built up a list over a period of time, you will have more products to sell, and who better to sell these products to than people who have already bought off you in the past and trust you!

Myth 4. Affiliate marketing. There can't be much money in selling someone else’s product.

Not true! Ever heard the saying "that it's better to have a small slice of something than a big slice of nothing?"
Imagine a sole trader trying to reach millions of customers, (sounds unlikely unless he's the owner of a massive conglomerate). Well, imagine the same trader having numerous affiliates selling his product for him. Not only does he save on advertising costs etc, but he can sit back and make a good residual income from his affiliates.
Now you may think that the commissions wouldn't be very good, but nothing could be further from the truth. Some will pay up to 70% on every product sold. You’re happy and the product owners happy!